Friday, February 6, 2009

Michael Phelps Lighting 1 Up!

You've probably already heard the buzz going on around about a particular tabloid photo of Michael Phelps apparently taking a hit of marijuana from a bong.

Phelps, an Olympic Gold Medalist in swimming, who won a record 8 gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, has already apologized for his actions stating, "... this was stupid, and I know this won't happen again." Come'mon, Mike, think about the kids!

I mean, as much as we'd like to think that this guy is super human or some form of highly evolved fish hybrid, he's a 23 year old. For those of us older, we all know what we were like when we were at that age, right? A lot of commentators are calling this just another one of Phelp's mistakes of getting caught for bad behavior. In 2004, a 19 year old Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Come'mon! That's just bad luck if you ask me.

Phelps has been suspended for 3 months from competition. Alrighty, more time for Mike to sit around and do other things besides swimming. I wonder what he's going to do with all that free time? Hmmmmmm...

Kellogg's, the cereal and snack giant, has announced that they will not be renewing their contract to sponsor Phelps due to the recent tabloid revelations and states, "Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg". So seeing an iconic sports star taking marijuana is bad for kids, but producing products that are loaded with sugar, target marketing it to kids, creating generations of diabetic children, and contributing to the obesity epidemic is OK?

What Kellogg's is really saying here is probably something like... Phelps on a box isn't helping our sales much anyway. If you ask me, people who smoke marijuana are more likely to buy sugary cereals like Frosted Flakes when they get the munchies! Not that I have anything against Kellogg's. In fact, I ate their cereal like crazy when I was a kid! They're Grrrrrrreeeaaat!!

Bottom line, Michael Phelps is still awesome and deserves a 1 Up! Come'mon, it's not like he pissed in the pool or kicked a guy in the face right?!


  1. Yeah, I like Phelps. He is the man.

  2. Hey, Sammy, I agree. His challenge now is to try to overcome the recent criticism, come back after the suspension is lifted, and kick butt in some competitions to show that he hasn't been phased by it.

  3. I think Kellogg's response to this situation makes me like them less as a company.
