Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Muscle Up 101: Latissimus Dorsi

Welcome to the first of many installments of Muscle Up 101 on 1 Up Fitness. Where you'll learn about a particular muscle in the human muscular system! Today we're going to talk about the Latissimus Dorsi muscle...

Latissimus Dorsi a.k.a. lats or the "wings" is the largest muscle of the back, running from the shoulder blades to the lower back on both sides of the spine. This muscle is used in multiple movements of the arm, most notably moving the arms in close to the side of the body (adduction movement).

Exercises to work your lats include, but not limited to the following:

1) Lat pu
ll downs: Usually done using a lat pull down machine. Legs are anchored down by the pad. Do these pulling down the bar to your chest. Pulling down behind the head is NOT recommended!

2) Pull-ups: Pull-ups or chin-ups on the bar. Again, one of the best upper body exercises!

3) Rowing: On the seated mid-row machine, try to pull back as far as you can, as if you're squeezing your shoulder blades together. Dumbbell rows are also a popular exercise and are usually performed one arm at a time using a bench for support.


  1. not at all specific enough! honestly my 4 year old brother could have written a more detailed explanation and insight into the anatomy and physiology of the latissimus dorsi!!

    1. cool story mate

    2. your 4 year old brother is a retard. the only thing he can write is his first name using shit on the bathroom tiles!
